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Aging-In-Place Planning Calgary

Aging In Place Services Calgary

Aging in place refers to the concept of Calgary seniors living in their own homes or communities for as long as possible as they age, rather than relocating to assisted living facilities or nursing homes. It involves modifying the living environment and accessing supportive services to enable seniors to remain independent and comfortable in their preferred surroundings. Aging in place in Calgary allows seniors to maintain their autonomy, dignity, and connections to their communities while receiving the assistance and care they need to age gracefully.

Help for Calgary Seniors - Get Connected


Let us connect you to an Calgary occupational therapist to not only help you remain safe in your home, but to ensure all your needs from housekeeping, lawn care, snow removal, medication management, transportation, navigating friendships, family and remaining engaged with what matters most to you is addressed!

Couple with Dog
Desert Road

A Roadmap to Aging-In-Place in Calgary

Happy Grandparents

1. It Starts with You!

Our Calgary occupational therapist will spend 1-2 Sessions learning about your needs, the activities you value, and where your current challenges lie. An occupational therapist can help you with your physical, emotional, and cognitive concerns.

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As part of the independent living assessment an occupational therapist, here in Calgary, will visit your home to identify any safety risks in and around it. This session is followed up with a report that documents the recommended home modifications or equipment that would be of benefit to you. 

Smiling Senior Couple
Business Family Tree

3. Getting Connected

An occupational therapist will work alongside you in as many sessions as needed to give you the confidence to access the community Calgary resources available to you for services such as housekeeping, yard maintenance, grocery delivery, taking public transit, signing up for classes etc. 

4. Practice, Practice, Practice

Once you've received your new equipment and made your home modifications to allow you to stay safely and comfortably in your own home, an occupational therapist will return to your home to practice using this new equipment safely.  We can also spend as much time as needed practicing any of the strategies we've discussed around medication management, independently accessing the community, navigating relationships with family and friends etc...

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